Welcome to Peachblow UMC

Peachblow United Methodist Church (PUMC) strives to meet and serve people in the middle.  Neither extremely conservative, nor extremely liberal, PUMC offers worship, messages, classes and community based on traditional values like service, giving, gratitude, tolerance, acceptance, prayer, community and growth in faith and practice.

Worship Services and Schedule

Worship Services are every Sunday at 10: 30 AM EST. 

If you are unable to attend in person, we also offer worship through Zoom meetings.


  • ZOOM RESUMES Call 740-936-7408 for login information.Leave message with name and phone number.


Upcoming Messages:

MARCH 2: Lenten Communion “Clouds Are Like Trampolines” John 10:11, Mark 10: 45

MARCH 9: The Moral Muddle” Galatians 3: 23-29

MARCH 16: ” The Only Letter Jesus Wrote” John 8: 1-11

MARCH 23:“One Sure Step Today” Joshua 1: 1-9

MARCH 30:“A Table Before Me” Psalm 23

APRIL 6:“Getting It Together” Mark 5: 6-9

APRIL 13: Palm Sunday “Winning, No Matter” Philippians 4: 4-13

APRIL 20: Easter Sunday “How To Get Out of a Grave” Romans 12 and 13:4, Matthew 28: 1-6